Wednesday, April 05, 2023

elmo, Nico Harris - Liquid Fusion

Elmo and Nico Harris present their first album “Liquid Fusion” which can be described as a ride through space, where we discover different planets in an electronic-jazz universe. Visiting planets of different flavors like jazz fusion, R&B, 80s disco, you name it. The ride starts with an orchestral composition: "Liquid Fusion", then further dives into the fun and high-energy jazz fusion tracks like “Mirage”, “Nylon”, “Savannah” and “Where to Go”. Including a taste of side B with “Nocturn Lights” and the dance track “Freeze”, the mood begins to change to a deeper blend of emotions. First with the interlude “Worlds Apart”, before reaching the album's climax with tracks like “Noir”, “Hypnosis” and “Sounds of Flores”. The journey ends with “Out of the Dark” that sends us off on a cinematic type outro. The album has such a well-rounded story and feels like the soundtrack of an adventure. Combining all the fusion styles in one album to make the listeners feel like they are being taken off world into an incredible universe made out of all these musical genres!

There's a very special 200 edition which counts as the first edition. We thought that for this art a black vinyl will be a perfect match and also have the classic feel that the album has.

1. Liquid Fusion
2. Mirage
3. Nylon
4. Savannah
5. Nocturn Lights
6. Where to Go
7. Freeze
8. Worlds Apart (Interlude)
9. Noir
10. Hipnosis
11. Sounds of Flores
12. Out of the Dark